
20 marzo 2007

Miles de manifestantes exigen retiro de tropas norteamericanas de Irak

En el cuarto aniversario de la invasión a Irak,lanzada el 21 de marzo de 2003,el movimiento pacifista que cada día cobra mayor fuerza en los Estados Unidos, envio otra fuerte señal a la administración bush y al congreso, tomando las calles miles de manifestantes en Nueva York, Washington,los Ángeles y otras ciudades importantes de ese País para exigir: el retiro inmediato de las tropas de U.S.A y un alto a la ocupación militar de Irak.Denunciando tambien los planes potenciales de E.E.U.U. para atacar a Irán.

Frustration Marks Another War Anniversary

Haider Rizvi, Electronic Iraq, 20 March 2007

NEW YORK (IPS) - The growing anti-war movement in the United States has sent another strong signal to the George W. Bush administration and the Congressional leadership that it is unwilling to accept mere cosmetic changes in the current U.S. policy on Iraq.

Over the weekend, tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in major cities across the country demanding immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops and an end to the continued military occupation of Iraq.
When our communities desperately need federal funds for health care, affordable housing, education and environmental protection, why are the Democrats lining up the votes to drain the treasury to continue Bush's war?

Marking the fourth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, launched on Mar. 21, 2003, protesters in New York, Washington, Los Angeles and other cities also denounced potential U.S. plans to attack Iran.

"No blood for oil. No war in Iran," protesters roared in unison as they marched from midtown Manhattan to the United Nations headquarters in New York Sunday.

"Not one more dollar, not one more death," they shouted, amid calls for Congress to stop funding the occupation and bring U.S. troops home before the end of this year.

Some demonstrators called President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney "war criminals" and voiced support for the idea that both be impeached.

Both houses of Congress are currently debating a withdrawal timeline. But many activists doubt that the Democratic Party leadership is serious about ending the occupation, or can muster the votes needed to overcome near-united Republican opposition.

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